Although non-Buddhist traditions espouse beliefs that also proclaim some notion of emptiness, they fail to elucidate the void nature of all phenomena based on dependent origination. Their idea of emptiness is only some sort of “mere emptiness,” unlike one that is inseparable from phenomena. For example, some non-Buddhists point out that what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears are all illusory. However, most of their ideas about emptiness just amount to nothingness, and ignore phenomena altogether. This is neither the emptiness taught by Nagarjuna and other like-minded masters, nor the one expounded by Asanga and others, which is inseparable from luminous clarity. The emptiness of non-Buddhism simply means non-existence, like human heads being without horns, which is not the true meaning of Buddhist emptiness. The non-Buddhist idea of emptiness, regrettably, is merely this.

[Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series 1 : The Right View ~ The Three Differences]

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