To love family and friends is a lesser love. To love sentient beings is greater love. The nature of the lesser love is selfishness and hence the cause of all suffering and dissatisfaction. The nature of great love is dedication and hence be capable of generating  immense happiness and fulfillment. To exchange lesser love for great love is the right way for humans to find happiness.  

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

The Buddha did say that samsara is suffering, but it doesn’t mean that he denied the existence of joy and happiness in life, he just wanted to point out the temporary and relative nature of worldly happiness. One should not be so blinded  by such happiness as to forget the future.

"The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

Life in essence is a book of truth. It tells of many truths through the events happening around us - the varying tastes of life associated with cyclic existence, the illusive and dream-like nature of all nature phenomena. But we never pay much attention to the actual state of things, hence remain ignorant to this day.

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

The Buddha said, “Human’s sense of sight, hearing and sense of smell are all inaccurate, neither are that of taste , touch and man’s consciousness.” If these senses were all correct, how would the path of the enlightened benefit anyone ?

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

Some say that Buddhism seeks happiness only for next life and none for this life. This is not true. Buddha just asked that we should not ruin our next lives for the pursuit of pleasure of this life, nor should we destroy our future path for the easy comport of today.

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

For most of us, our belief in science base on a few prominent scientist’s words, not our own experiments. Similarly, with his supreme wisdom, the Buddha realized the truth of causality and revealed to us. Why do we doubt him ? Shouldn’t we use the same reasoning for both ?

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

Our sense organ with their many flaws are like defective tools. It would be fundamentally wrong to ascertain the truth of life and the world through sense perceptions. What we should trust is the transcendent wisdom of the Buddha, instead of relying totally on our senses.

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

What we should repudiate are not view of the non-Buddhists or the atheists but our own attachment. Once attachment is eliminated, no amount of heterodox ideas can affect us anymore. To someone who has attained realization, those ideas, no matter how extravagantly they may sound, make no difference at all. And the way to completely eradicate attachment is by developing renunciation, bodhicitta and, most importantly, the view of emptiness.

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"

Prior of attaining any realization, we are like walking with the eyes closed. For us, the learning process during this period is just like the blind asking for direction on the road. Attaining realization is as if we open our eyes and see the way, but it is still the long way to go.

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"