Before attaining buddhahood, Vajrasattva made an aspiration: I vow not to attain buddhahood if I cannot enable anyone to chant my name, and supplicate to me for confessing to purify their obscurations. Given Vajrasattva had attained buddhahood, if supplicating to Vajrasattva by chanting the Vajrasattva Mantra or the Hundred-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva, one is bound to purify all obscurations.


When I was a child, my mum told me: sunset is the sunlight of the dead. Upon seeing sunset, one needs to chant mani mantra. Now I come to realise that we need to chant mani mantra not because sunset is the sunlight of the dead; rather, we need to practice virtue because our life has lost one day.


How can we be liberated from suffering? We need to cultivate renunciation and restrain from focusing on superficial glory; rather, we need to come to understand in-depth our innermost pressure and displeasure, then we can give rise to renunciation. The boundary of samsara and liberation lies in renunciation. Although having renunciation doesn’t mean we’ve attained liberation, we have embarked on the path of liberation. Without renunciation, one is stuck in the samsara.


The Buddha told us not to fall into extremes when engaging in any activities. We don’t need to have aversions towards this world and be pessimistic, neither do we need to idealised our life; we need to take a middle way approach. Money and relationships are neither good nor evil in nature, it’s our mind which engender good or evil elements to them. If dealing with money and relationship with a neutral mind, then we can live a happy life.


All worldly people’s acts are oriented to this short life, whereas in the Buddhist approach this is not so. Buddhists have a bird’s eye view, which is not only to strive for happiness for this life, but also for future lives; not only for one’s own happiness, but also for happiness of all sentient beings.


Genuine penance requires patience, diligence, trying best to overcome various difficulties, practicing vigorously despite hardships, this is the meaning of penance. If one misconceives that penance is about not eating, not wearing clothes, or not being hygiene, and that this will lead to liberation, then won’t beggars attain liberation first?


How did the concept of the Three Dharma Seals originate? According to the sutras, when Sakyamuni Buddha was about to enter parinirvana, a disciple asked the Buddha, “If a non- Buddhist or some other person comes along after you are gone to give teachings and proclaims that to be the Dharma, how should we discern if it is the true Dharma?” The Buddha replied, “After I am gone, any belief or teaching which incorporates the Three Dharma Seals is the true Dharma; any belief or teaching which not only excludes but also refutes the Three Dharma Seals is not the true Dharma.”


Buddhism enumerates five stages of gestation that are described in both the Abhidharma-kosha-shastra and the tantras of Great Perfection. The descriptions are very detailed particularly in the tantras of Great Perfection. Despite the fact that the word “cell” was not used in these texts, the writing actually delineated the complex process of cell division (reproduction). Those with a medical background would be very surprised to discover that the depiction is in accord with that of modern medicine. The gestation period between the second instant of conception and right before the development of the six sense organs is designated name and form, which lasts quite a long time.

~Depicted from THE RIGHT VIEW - The Twelve Nidanas1—the sequence of cyclic existence

How is Cause and Effect Generated?Whatever action we take, whether it is killing, stealing, or freeing animals and giving, we no longer perceive its existence after the action takes place. However, a special energy is stored within the deepest level of our consciousness -- the alaya consciousness. Alaya is a Sanskrit word which means storage. It is like a computer disk which can store a great deal of information.

~Depicted from ARE YOU READY FOR HAPPINESS - Spiritual Equipment for Modern Times

Patrul Rinpoche once said: “If renunciation and bodhicitta are absent, a person cannot sow the seeds of liberation even after nine years of Dzogchen retreat.” We ought to reflect deeply on this statement: it is the most sublime Dzogchen that one spends not a few days or several months but nine years to practice; in terms of methodology, it is undertaken in retreat away from any contact with the world outside; despite this, one cannot sow the seeds of liberation because one does not have renunciation and bodhicitta. This should be enough of a warning. Without renunciation and bodhicitta, we may find ourselves in a position wherein the cause of liberation cannot be established even after nine years of Dzogchen practice! Thus, renunciation and bodhicitta are extremely important to any practitioner.

~Depicted from GATEWAY TO VAJRAYANA PATH - Entering the Vajrayana Path

Taming the mind is like taming an animal. When the mind is desolate and in despair, we should practice how to face suffering and transform adversity into courage and determination on the path to liberation; when it is immersed in pride and carried away by success, we should contemplate all things are impermanent and all defiled phenomena are suffering to overcome arrogance. We must avoid the two extreme states of mind and abide in the middle at all times.

~Depicted from ARE YOU READY FOR HAPPINESS - How to Face Suffering and Happiness-Taming the Mind as in Taming the Elephant